From competition to collaboration: embracing new leadership
To remain relevant, leaders must adapt to the changing times.
Inclusion is a two-way street
"If we don't walk in the shoes of others, nothing gets done."
Loyalty is earned, not demanded
For the first time in history, every citizen of the United Kingdom and Commonwealth has been invited to proclaim their unwavering loyalty to the King through an oath of allegiance during the upcoming coronation
Should we continue to celebrate “firsts”?
"Women have shattered the glass ceiling, but the first cannot be the last."
Leadership is not about power, it is about the togetherness of your people
Businesses need a challenge up and support down kind of culture.
Extraordinary times demand extraordinary leadership
The most senior political figures in England and Scotland are both of South Asian descent.
The power of reputation
Leadership requires a willingness to embrace change and a commitment to it.
Feeling safe to be yourself
The best leaders make their people feel as though they are looked after and cared about.
From Compliance To Commitment: The Power Of Inclusive Leadership
Cultural change can’t happen without first winning the hearts and minds of everyone in the business.
The Value Of Honesty Cannot Be Understated
Honesty is not just a nice-to-have trait for leaders; it is a must-have.